A better digital world
starts with us

A better digital world
starts with us

Working in partnership with experts across Asia Pacific, We Think Digital provides accessible learning modules and resources to build skills for a digital world. Through We Think Digital, Meta is reaching diverse groups of learners across the region and shaping the Asia Pacific digital community for the better.

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What is digital citizenship and why does it matter?

Digital citizenship is the continuous development of the skills on appropriate, responsible, and empowered use of technology. These skills include helping people to:

We all play a part in creating responsible digital citizens and building a brighter future.

Our Resources

Our learning modules are aimed at empowering people to think critically about their digital behavior. The We Think Digital program is designed to be delivered as either a full curriculum or as standalone lessons in both high-tech or low-tech environments. The lessons are scripted and provide guidance on how you can prepare for and deliver them in formal and informal settings. They are also open-ended so that you can modify them to fit the needs of your learners.

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Digital Foundations

The lessons and activities in this section help learners understand how to get connected and use the internet and other platforms effectively. The lessons also help learners protect their data and information (and that of others), as well as their digital devices and assets.

Digital Wellness

The lessons and activities in this section help learners explore their identities, engage with others (both individuals and the larger collective) empathically, ethically, and positively, and counteract the risks the digital world may come with to protect their physical and mental health.

Digital Engagement

The lessons and activities in this section help students interpret cultural and social differences, respond and engage respectfully, and evaluate, create and share different types of media content. Skills addressed: context, information quality, and media literacy.

Digital Empowerment

The lessons and activities in this section help students participate in public matters and advocacy around issues they care about. Skills addressed: civic engagement and content production.

Digital Opportunities

The lessons and activities in this section help students learn the skills they need to fully leverage the opportunities the digital world may offer. This may include the ability to understand and take part in conversations around artificial intelligence, understand and apply computational concepts, engage in data creation, collection, interpretation and analysis, and navigate economic activities online and offline.

Learn more about Digital
Citizenship through our quizzes and videos

Interactive learning encourages active learning. We know that learning through interactive experiences greatly increases the rate of retention and the pace of learning among participants. To augment the We Think Digital program, we’ve developed interactive content that is suited for learners across all age groups to keep participants actively engaged in the learning process.

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