Building context and creating depth
in our work through thoughtfully
curated partners

Building context and creating depth in our work through thoughtfully curated partners


At Meta, we have been invested in developing digital literacy, safety resources, and tools for over a decade. As we build from digital literacy to digital citizenship, we're working with partners to bring We Think Digital workshops to local communities, and providing the resources to foster responsible digital citizens.Learn more about our local partners and how they are shaping the future of digital citizenship in the region below:


People’s Association

Promoting racial harmony & social cohesion, and acting as a bridge between the Government and the people



PGRI is a Indonesian professional teacher's association.


Philippine Business for Social Progress

To lead the business sector’s efforts to reduce poverty in the Philippines


Plan International

Children's rights and equality for girls


Project Rockit

Empowering young people to stand up and lead change

Sri Lanka

Sarvodaya Fusion

Sarvodaya-Fusion, is the ICT for Development (ICT4D) arm of Sarvodaya movement with a mission “e-empowerment of rural and Semi urban communities”.


Save the Children Philippines

Transforming children's lives and the future we share


Shehri Pakistan

A civic education initiative in Pakistan focusing on increasing civic, legal and digital literacy

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