Ensuring security in the digital world
Nowadays, we spend the majority of time online, whether posting, sharing, or making new connections. We need to realize that there is a real person behind every online account.
Nowadays, we spend the majority of our time online, whether posting, sharing, or making new connections. We need to realize that there is a real person behind every online account. And because we cannot truly know these real people through the lens of social media, we have to be cognizant of the fact that there is always the risk of cyberbullying, cyber-violence or even worse. We need to be constantly aware of whom we can share our information with, who can view and access our posts as this information can always be used against us. "As citizens of the digital world, we can create a positive environment without cyber discrimination and cyberbullying by leading through example. "Being critical and respectful are vital in fostering a safe, secure and happy environment for digital citizens. It's also important to learn how to distance yourself from possible negative influences and to learn how to politely say no to untrustworthy sources. Please promote positivity for the good of yourself and others in your digital environment by getting to know the right person, becoming friends with them, accepting them as the way they are, and trusting them.
As citizens of the digital world, we can create a positive environment without cyber discrimination and cyberbullying by leading through example.